Wellington and Company

Mare and Foal Original Oil Painting-Signed By Artist

Mare and Foal Original Oil Painting-Signed By Artist

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Directory: Fine Art: Paintings: Oil: N. America: American: Pre 1990: Item # 662323
Wellington And Company Antiques
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By Appointment:
Charlotte, North Carolina

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This original oil painting is a spectacular depiction of a mare and foal grazing in the field. Artist Signed and dated-Cresman 1986. The detail of the lights and shadows really make this artwork shine. The mares coat truly glistens in the sunlight. Comes in original wooden frame. Ready to hang on the wall. Substantial size: In frame it measures 27" by 31". Canvas alone measures 20" by 24". Includes original certificate of authenticity. **** Orders can be taken over the phone at 704-564-1952 or email address wellingtonandco@bellsouth.net. If you prefer to pay through paypal, enter your paypal email address, and we will send you an invoice.